Thursday, July 11, 2013

4th of July and Beaver Lake

We spent most of the 4th of July weekend at our cabin on Beaver Lake.  My sister, Kathi came up and we enjoyed spending time eating, catching sun, and riding the jet ski!  It wasn't all fun and games, as I have a large list of items that I am working on each day to be ready for when we can head to a catamaran.  On July 5th, I had to go into work and clean out my office.  It almost took the whole day to clean it up, shred 2 large boxes of notes and Walmart confidential papers, and pack up all of my personal items!  I believe it took four boxes of personal items! 
My office before the packing
I didn't take a picture after I was done packing, since it was too depressing!  A lot of memories went into those 28 and a half years!  I will miss everyone!
Dinner at the cabin
We always eat good at the cabin!
Augie, Pepper, Jonathan, and Blake
Blake waiting for a catfish!
My Mom, Pepper, Maria Paula, and Cony(from Bogota)

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