It has been raining everyday for almost a week! The days have been starting with cloudy skies and sometimes a peek of sun, but then the rain moves in, and it usually rains all day and most of the night. Yesterday, we finally had a full day without rain, and we were very happy! Today looks better, so hopefully the rain has moved on north, and we can enjoy the sun again! The river has come up several feet, so many of the areas are flooded. We have had to move our fenders and lines to the dock several times as the water has risen. It would be a good time to head down the river, as the current is strong!
Our picnic area is almost flooded!
Parking lot at Mar Marina
Parking lot at Mar Marina
Apartment parking area
Boat storage at Mar Marine
Driveway and boat storage
Boats on trailers, ready to float away!
Mar Marine Office
Board and block walkway from restaurant to office
Primary boat ramp at Mar Marina
Playground at restaurant...where are the kids?
Another picnic area underwater
We have had to adjusted our fenders and lines several times this week, as the boat has risen against the dock.
Truck driving through the parking lot
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